Wednesday 20 July 2011


Okay so I should probably introduce myself. I'm Emily, I'm 21, and I'm an art student, so naturally I love vintage ;) Here's a photo of me trying on some of the stock for my shop.

I simply love this dress, it's so flattering! It's soon to be for sale on my shop, so keep your eyes peeled!

How cool is this?!

Right, so this has extremely little to do with the whole 'vintage' theme of my blog, other than the fact it's quite an old video. I don't care. It's awesome. It's an amazing song and it's actually really funny! This is what English apparently sounds like to foreign speakers.


Tuesday 19 July 2011

My Vintage Shop!

Over the past few months my aim has been to put together a shop that sells affordable, good quality vintage items. Please have a browse!

Any feedback and suggestions are appreciated. Also, watch this space as I'm always uploading new stuff!

Now the initial set up stage is out of the way, I intend to post on here, and on twitter, muuuch more often! My username on twitter is ImperialSwing if anyone out there wants to add me :)